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Act the fool :

English to Bengali Dictionary

Act the fool : ভাঁড়ামি করা; বোকার মতো আচরণ করা;

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act the fool  

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1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com

Appropriate Prepositions

Certain of(নিশ্চিত): Jamal is certain of his success.

Deaf to, of, in (না শোনা, বধির হওয়া): The boy is deaf to his father’s advice. This man is deaf of/in one ear.

Die by (দূর্ঘটনা বা অপঘাতে মরা/কোন কিছু দ্বারা মারা যাওয়া): He died by a road accident.

Inferior to (নীচু/হীন): He is inferior to his neighbor.

Play with (খেলা করা/ মজা করা): I shall not play with him.

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At a discount (অনাদৃত) Female education is no longer at a discount now.

To the utmost (যথাসাধ্য) - I tried to the utmost of my ability to have a job.

To go to the dogs (গোল্লায় যাওয়া)- He has gone to the dogs by keeping evil company.

Ups and downs (উত্থান পতন): There are ups and downs in a man’s life.

Ups and downs (উত্থান পতন)- There is ups and downs in a man's life.

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