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Abaction :

English to Bengali Dictionary

Abaction : গোগ্রহ; গোরু-চুরি;

Related Words

abaction  abjection  abstain  abstains  abstention  abstentions  abstient  affectation  affection  affections  avocation  avocations  

See Words Also In

1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com

Appropriate Prepositions

Ascend to (আরোহণ করা): karim began to ascend to the surface of wakefulness.

Compensate for(ক্ষতিপূরণ করা): I will compensate him for the loss.

Contribution to (অবদান): His invention made a major contribution to road safety.

Descend on (আক্রমণ করা): Armed thieves descended on the helpless girl.

Entitled to (অধিকারী): He is entitled to a reward for honesty.

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Fish in a troubled water (এলোমেলো অবস্থার সুযোগ নেয়া): He made a lot of money by fishing in a troubled water.

Lame excuse (বাজে ওজর): The lame excuse will not do.

On the contrary (বিপরীত পক্ষে): I do not hate him; on the contrary I love him.

To meet trouble half-way (পুরোপুরি মোকাবেলার আগেই হাল ছেড়ে দেয়া): He met trouble half way after getting the instructions.

Without fail (অবশ্যই) - You must attend the meeting without fail.

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