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Abyss :

English to Bengali Dictionary

Abyss : গভীর বা অতল গহ্বর, সুগভীর হতাশা

Bangla Academy Dictionary

Related Words

abacuses  abases  abbess  abbesses  abbeys  abbs  abess  abscess  abscissa  abuses  abyss  abysses  

See Words Also In

1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com

Appropriate Prepositions

Care for(গ্রাহ্য করা): I do not care for you.

Care of(যত্ন নেওয়া): You should take care of your health.

Hostile to (বিরোধী বা বিরূপ ভাবাপন্ন): Nobody is hostile to you.

Repent on (নির্ভরশীল): He is repent on his parents.

Thirst for (তৃষ্ণা, আকাঙ্ক্ষা): A wise man has no thirst for wealth.

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Laughing stock (হাসির পাত্র)— He is a laughing stock to all.

Of course (অবশ্যই): Of course, you know what that meant.

Put the cart before the horse (to reverse the natural order of things-কোনো জিনিসের স্বাভাবিক ক্রমকে পাল্টে দেয়া) - The leader put the cart before the horse.

Red tape (official formalities, অফিসের কাজ)— You would not believe the red tape involved in getting the required permits.

Turn over a new leaf (begin a new phase of life, নবজীবন শুরু করা) —After his failure he turned over a new leaf.

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