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Acrobats :

English to Bengali Dictionary

Acrobats : মল্ল; মত পরিবর্তনকারী; দড়াবাজিকর; ব্যায়ামবিদ; মল্লক্রীড়ায়ে দক্ষ ব্যক্তি; ঘনঘন দলপরিবর্তনকারী;

Related Words

acrobatic  acrobatic feat  acrobatics  acrobats  

See Words Also In

1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com

Appropriate Prepositions

Breakdown of (বিস্তারিত): Here is statistical breakdown of data.

Bridge over (সেতু): The only entrance to Allahabad in that direction was by a bridge over the Jumna.

Covetous of(লোভী হওয়া): He is covetous of wealth.

Damage to (ক্ষতি): The flood caused much damage to crops last year.

With a view to (উদ্দেশ্য): I went to hospital with a view to seeing you.

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Bring to light (disclose-প্রকাশ করা) The police brought the secret to light.

Easy and free (অমায়িক): The boy is easy and free, so he has many friends.

Make both ends meet (আয় ব্যয় মেলানো): I cannot make both ends meet with my small income.

Run into debt (ঋণগ্রস্ত হওয়া)— He ran into debt.

With a lavish hand (মুক্ত হস্তে)— Give away something with a lavish hand.

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