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Fringe :

English to Bengali Dictionary

Fringe : ঝালর; ফুপি

Bangla Academy Dictionary

Related Words

faring  farming  favoring  favouring  fearing  ferrying  fireengine  firing  firing line  firings  firming  forming  framing  france  frangible  franker  fraying  free-image  freeing  fringe  fringed  fringes  fringing  fringing reef  frowning  frying  frying pan  frying-pan  furnace  furnishing  

See Words Also In

1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com

Appropriate Prepositions

Affection for(স্নেহ): She has a great affection for the child.

Avail (oneself) of(সুযোগের স্বব্যবহার করা): I shall avail myself of the first trip to London tomorrow.

Aware of(অবগত): I am not aware of his dishonesty.

Indebted to (ঋণী থাকা): We are indebted to the great leaders of the country for their service.

Repentant for (অনুতপ্ত): Kamal should be repentant for his misbehavior.

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Back and bally (জীবিকা, ভরণ পোষণ—n) Who will provide the increasing population with the required back and bally?

In no time (শীঘ্র): He will finish the work in no time.

Out of sorts (সামান্য অসুস্থ): The baby is out of sorts after playing.

Short temper (রগচটা)— He is a man of short temper.

Worthy of (যোগ্য) - He is worthy of a good job.

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