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Mated :

English to Bengali Dictionary

Mated : উপগত;

Related Words

mad  made  maenad  maid  maimed  manatee  mandate  manned  manumitted  mat  mate  mated  matey  matt  matted  mattoid  mead  meaned  meat  mediate  mediated  meditate  meditated  mend  mete  meted  miniate  minted  minuted  mite  moaned  moat  moated  mooted  mote  mounted  mouthed  mutate  mutated  mute  

See Words Also In

1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com

Appropriate Prepositions

Absent from(অনুপস্থিত থাকা): I was absent from the class yesterday.

Feed on (খেয়ে বাঁচা): The cow feeds on grass.

Fit for (যোগ্য): Sabina is not yet fit for marriage.

Good for, at (ভাল): This man is good for nothing. He is good at English.

Take pity on (দয়া করা): Take pity on the helpless people.

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Pass away (মারা যাওয়া)— He passed away last night.

Rank and file (সাধারণ লোক): We should pay attention to the rank and file of the country.

Slip of the pen (লেখায় অসতর্কতাবশত সামান্য ভুল): The mistake is due to a slip of the pen.

Short temper (রগচটা)— He is a man of short temper.

Well up (সুপন্ডিত)- Dr. Shahidullah was well-up in Bengali language.

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