English & Bengali Dictionary

English to Bengali Dictionary

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English to Bengali Dictionary

Occupations : পেশা; বৃত্তি; দখল; অধিকার; অধিকরণ; প্রবৃত্তি; কাজ; ব্যবসায়; বর্তন; ভোগ; অধিকারভোগ;

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1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com

Appropriate Prepositions

Careful of (সতর্ক): He is very careful of his fault.

Fed up with (বিরক্ত): He is fed up with waiting for her.

Point out (চিহ্নিত করা): Point out the mistakes from the book.

Repent on (নির্ভরশীল): He is repent on his parents.

Work for (কারো জন্য কাজ করা): She works for a construction company.

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At death’s door (at the point of death- মৃত্যুর দ্বারে) The patient is now at death’s door.

Bring to book (reproach-Start- ভর্ৎসনা করা) The father brought his son to book for his failure in the exam.

Back and forth (to and fro-এদিক ওদিক – adv.) The mad man was walking back and forth in the doctor’s chamber.

Fish in a troubled water (এলোমেলো অবস্থার সুযোগ নেয়া): He made a lot of money by fishing in a troubled water.

Short cut (সংক্ষিপ্ত পথ)— He comes by this shortcut.

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