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English to Bengali Dictionary

Study : পড়া অধ্যায়ন গবেষনা বা অনুশীলন করা; অধ্যায়ন; পড়ার ঘর;

Bangla Academy Dictionary

Related Words

scud  situated  stay  steady  stud  studded  studied  studio  study  sty  stye  sudd  sued  

See Words Also In

1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com

Appropriate Prepositions

Addicted to(খারাপ কিছুতে আসক্ত): She is addicted to collecting stamps.

Care of(যত্ন নেওয়া): You should take care of your health.

Easy of (সরল): The teacher is easy of approach.

Hanker after (আকাঙ্ক্ষা/লোভ করা): He hankers after riches.

Taste for (রুচি; পছন্দ): He has a great taste for music.

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At the eleventh hour (at the last moment-শেষ মুহুর্তে adv.) The patient was in a dangerous condition and the doctor came at the eleventh hour.

Dead language (যে ভাষা এখন আর কথ্য নয়): Sanskrit is a rich language, but it is now a dead language.

Head and ears (সম্পূর্ণরূপে): He is over head and ears in debt.

Lion’s share (বড় মাপের অংশ): He took the lion’s share of the profit.

Make head or tail – (মাথামুন্ডু বুঝা) – I cannot make head or tail of what you say.

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