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Finnish :

English to Bengali Dictionary

Finnish : ফিনল্যাণ্ডের ভাষা; ফিনল্যাণ্ডের অধিবাসীসংক্রান্ত; ফিন্-গোষ্ঠীর ভাষা;

Related Words

famish  finances  finch  fineness  fines  fining  finis  finish  finishes  finnic  finnish  fins  

See Words Also In

1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com

Appropriate Prepositions

Admit of(স্থান করা, সুযোগপ্রাপ্ত হওয়া): His offence admits of no explanation.

Alarm at, by, for(আশংকা করা/শঙ্কিত হওয়া): I was not alarmed at/by the news, but I was alarmed for their safety.

Break in (কথার মাঝে কথা বলা): As she was talking, he suddenly broke in, saying, ‘that’s a rat!’

Concerned with(জড়িত): She was concerned with such things.

Fatigued by (ক্লান্ত): He was fatigued by hard work.

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Give in (বশ্যতা স্বীকার করা): We will never give in to our enemies.

Look into something (তদন্ত করা- investigate) - The manager looked into the matter.

Steer clear of (avoid, দূরে থাকা)— You must steer clear of evil company.

Turn down (refuse, প্রত্যাখান করা) —He turned down my proposal.

With a view to (উদ্দেশ্য)- He goes to college with a view to attending the class.

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