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Pleasance :

English to Bengali Dictionary

Pleasance : উপাদেয়তা; মনোরমতা; আনন্দ; উপভোগ;

Related Words

plasmas  plasmic  pleasance  pleasing  

See Words Also In

1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com

Appropriate Prepositions

Acquit of (অব্যাহতি দেয়া): The chief justice acquitted him of the charge of murder.

Antipathy to/towards (ঘৃনা): I have a strong antipathy to smoking.

Appear at/in(উপস্থিত হওয়া): I should appear at/in the exam hall in time.

Conscious of(সচেতন): I am conscious of my deficiencies.

Dull at (অপ্টু/কাঁচা): He is dull at mathematics.

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At liberty (free-মুক্ত-adj.) They are at liberty to go anywhere.

Man of straw (অপদার্থ): We do not care for a man of straw like you.

Red tape (official formalities, অফিসের কাজ)— You would not believe the red tape involved in getting the required permits.

Take one to task (rebuke, তিরস্কার করা)— He took me to task for negligence of duty.

White color job – (উচ্চ শ্রেনীর চাকরি, যেখানে শারীরিক কাজ নেই বললেই চলে- a job without manual labour) - He wants a white color job.

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